Author: Counselor FENYI
The concept of 'Virginity' is sympathetically overrated. Many virgin ladies forget that virginity is as relevant as the duration of a first sex which can last for less than 7munites, the rest is character. Jesus in Matthew 25: 1-13 experimented with 10 virgins and concluded that there as many foolish virgins as there are wise ones. This means virginity, though important, is not necessarily an indication of good behaviour.
People are virgins due to various reasons. Not all virgins are so because they are disciplined enough to exercise self-control. With my experience in this counselling business, I have encountered two types of virgins; those who are self-disciplined/practise self-control and those who have never had the opportunity to have sex. Yes, some ladies would have broken their virginity long ago if not for strict parental control, fear of pregnancy or STDs, lack of opportunity to meet nice guys who can turn them on, etc. Only few ladies got exposed to all the tendencies that could make them have sex but exercised self-control. Unfortunately, most of such ladies too have character problems.
Many other ladies too are devirginated for various reasons. Not all of them are "spoilt" ladies. Some were from poor homes and sex was a source of survival, some were forced into the act unwillingly, some fell blindly in love with the wrong guys, some did it out of ignorance or miseducation (they thought if they don't have sex, they may turn insane), and some did it because they are actually "spoilt".
Successful relationship is not built around virginity, it's built around character. Many virgins concentrate too much on their virginity that they forget to work on their character. Some talk loosely, dress untidily, sit anyhow, some don't even know how to cook and others don't know how to treat a man well. The blatant truth is that *virginity adds nothing to a relationship.*
Virgin ladies, it's good you are a virgin. Keep it till you are married. It will make your man have some level of trust for you. But please, don't over-emphasise your virginity. Work on your attitude. Marriage lasts for ever (sometimes 30, 40, 50, years), but virginity lasts till first penetration and that lasts for less than five minutes...you see how irrelevant virginity is with regards to a successful relationship? Work on your character, it keeps a good man.
Devirgined ladies, you sure can never be virgins again. But you sure can be in the best relationship. Develop a good attitude, treat your man well, learn how to talk, how to dress, support your man and support your relationship with prayers. I wish all relationships the best. Love more, Complain less. If you need further counselling or mentoring, call/whatsapp Counselor FENYI on +233242937O17.
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© February, 2018.
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