Dear Counselor FENYI,

*Is it normal to be in a relationship but still fall in love with another person?*
_Richmond, Accra-Ghana._

*Counselor FENYI:* It is very normal to be in a relationship and still have affection for another person. Being in a relationship doesn't stop the heart from loving, hating, appreciating, and all the other emotional experiences the heart can have. You'll always meet people who appear "better" than your partner, people who seem to understand and love you more than your partner, people who are ready to support and push you in life more than your partner.
However, a matured man who is serious about life will stay true and faithful to one lover despite the "better" ladies he encounters. It takes a lot of patience, disciple, adaptability, love, humility and maturity to stay faithful to one lady and these are the attributes of a real man who doesn't jump from one to another.
Don't entertain thoughts of dating another lady, there's nothing mysterious about any lady, one is always enough. Multi-dating is a mere distraction in life. Exercise self-control, stay away from ladies whose temptations you can't resist and enjoy your relationship.
Thank you!

_*Mr. Daniel Fenyi* (Counselor FENYI)  is a relationship, education and career choice specialist. If you need *counselling* on anything, Call or Whatsapp Him on *+233242937O17.*_

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