*Learn English with DanieL*
Daniel Fenyi
Agona Swedru- Ghana🇬🇭
*🌹Vocabulary Built💐*
*1. Countenance* /ˈkaʊn.tɪ.nəns/
(v) tolerate, support, approve of something.
_E.g. Eric's misbehaviour was countenanced by his parents since he's their only child._
*2. Nab* /næb/
(v) arrest
_E.g. The thief was napped by the policeman._
*3. Retch* /rɛch/
(v) to feel like vomiting
_E.g. Cecilia retches anytime she eats cold food._
*4. Cash strap* /kash.strap/
(v) lack of money
_E.g. He's so cash strapped that he wants to sell his only shoe at a penny._
*5. Imperturb* /im.pɛ.tɛb/
(Adj) not disturbed
_E.g. Mark is imperturbed about the increased robbery attacks since his father is a policeman._
*6. Puke* /pjuːk/
(v) to vomit
_E.g. She puked after eating the rotten meat._
*7. Piss* /pɪs/
(v) unrinate
_E.g. Ruth felt to piss after drinking three bottles of water._
*8. In the buff* /in dɛ baf/
(adj) naked
_E.g. Emelia enjoys being in the buff when she's home alone._
*9. Vilify* /vi.li.fai/
(v) insult, rebuke, giving negative comments about something
_E.g. The student was vilified for stealing the bag._
*10. Be-all and end-all*
(n) most important, highest level
_E.g. Buying the latest car is not the be-all and end-all of life._
*11. Fuddy-duddy* /fadi.dadi/
(n) an old-fashioned, ineffective person.
_E.g. My father is a fuddy-duddy when it comes to smart phones._
*12. Fuck all* /fak.ol/
(Adj) Nothing at all or very little.
_E.g. There are fuck all decent pubs around here._
*13. Sacrilege* /sa.kri.lij/
(N) abuse or misuse of something holy.
_E.g. Stealing money from the church is sacrilegious._
*14. Vicissitude* /vi.si.si.tuud/
(N) ups and downs
_E.g. The vicissitudes of life have taught me to be humble._
*15. Bifurcate* /bai.fa.keit/
(v) to divide into two
_E.g. Mike was asked to bifurcate the property and give his brother half of it._
(Adj)= adjective (n)= noun (v)= verb (E.g.)= example
*© Daniel Fenyi*
(Counselor, Educator and Life Coach)
Send your relationship, academic and career needs to Counselor Daniel on whatsapp/call *+233242937017* and Facebook page *www.facebook.com/counselor.fenyi.7*
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