Friday, 21 August 2015
(suffix)(disease and disability)ia
Olfactory Reference Syndrome – psychological disorder which causes the
patient to imagine he has strong body odor.
accidia - A feeling of being unable to think or act due to excessive sadness.
adelphepothia - An incestuous desire for one's sister.
adelphithymia - An incestuous desire for one's niece.
ageustia - The lack of a sense of taste, either literally or in opinions.
alectromantia - A process in which a rooster is asked a question, and then
a single grain is placed on each letter of the alphabet and the order of his
eating determined the answer.
alphamegamia - The marriage between a young woman and an older man.
amentia - temporary insanity or a dazed trance.
aporia - The feeling you have when your problems cannot be solved.
aporia - The feeling you have when your problems cannot be solved.
clepsammia - An "hourglass" which measures a period of time other than
an hour
colposinquanonia - Estimating a woman's beauty based on her chest
comestion - A devouring by _re
deisidaimonia - The fear of supernatural powers.
dorsodynia - A pain in the back.
dysania - The state of having a rough time waking up in the morning.
dyslogistic - Expressing disapproval
dysphoria - An unwell feeling.
encephalasthenia - A form of mental distress caused by emotional stress.
gymnophoria - The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you.
hadeharia - The practice of constantly using the word "Hell" in speaking.
hamartithia - Being likely to make a mistake.
haptodysphoria - A unpleasent feeling caused by handling any fuzzy sur-
hemeraphonia - Able to speak only at night.
hierofastidia - A dislike of all holy objects.
hyperhedonia - Excessive pleasure caused by boring tasks.
hypnerotomachia - The struggle to decide between sleeping and making
hypobulia - Trouble making up one's mind
iatrapistia - A lack of faith in the medical system.
kalokagathia - A nobility and inherent good character.
kerdomeletia - An excessive desire for material wealth
lalochezia - The use of foul or abusive language to relieve stress or ease
latrinalia - Using words that are _t for a restroom wall.
lygerastia - The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are
lypothymia - Profound melancholy.
marginalia - Notes or drawing in the margins of a book.
naupathia - Sea sickness.
nearomatria - Being a young mother.
neoteinia - A state of prolonged immaturity.
nikhedonia - The pleasure caused by anticipating good fortune or success.
nosocomephrenia - A depression caused by any extended stay in the hos-
oculoplania - Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charm
opsimatria - The bearing of children late in a woman's life
opsipatria - The fathering of a child by an elderly man
ozostomia - The state of having bad breath.
pseudautochiria - A murder which is made to look like a suicide.
pseudophonia - See pseudautochiria.
rhinophonia - An extreme nasal sound in one's voice..
scotomaphobia - A fear of scotoma, (having spots before your eyes).
spaneria - A place with few or no me.
sphallolalia - Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.
stratephrenia - A neurosis caused by serving in the military.
strikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say to hell with it .
syndyasmia - The proper term for an open marriage in which either part-
ner may live with other people
talaria - Winged shoes, such as worn by Hermes.
temulentia - An advanced stage of drunkeness, to the point of unconcious-
tritavia - The great grandmother of one's great grandmother.
manoj singh rawat at 11:41
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